
A breeding ground for all things funny, not so funny and anything in between

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My favorite instrumental music ever

Maybe it was just the helicopter free of landing gear flying through the green lush hills of Costa Rica (real life Hawaii) that made me swoon. Or it could have been the feel of impending danger. I'm glad I wasn't on that island. But I'm nothing but appalled that they made sequels. The same musical piece is in all three. I wish I had it as a ring tone and for my alarm clock and in my car as a seat belt reminder and as walking music anytime I strolled a hallway.


  1. again I attribute this to my lack of blogging skills but how the heck do I become a follower of this blog?


  2. click on 'follow this blog' on the right side of the blog right below the pictures. you'll have to create a user id. and you'll end up with our gracious hospitality and gratitude, of course.

  3. and i'm still trying to figure out all this blog stuff myself. such a brand new unknown for me.
