
A breeding ground for all things funny, not so funny and anything in between

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Have we become this lazy?!

So first of all, here's a picture of said shoe. Being in LA, I'm assuming that even the homeless are still trying to stay in shape so that they can become a famous actor, which is why they moved here in the first place, didn't succeed and, therefore, became homeless.

In tip top shape (ups)

A while back, a shoe company named Skechers debuted shoes called "shape ups". They were just like any other athletic sneakers but had one gigantic advantage. The shoes were rounded on the sole. With the extra curve, it required the wearer to use more of their ass to balance themselves. Hence the name "shape ups". Now that we're all up to speed I need some help with a few questions. Why did I see a homeless lady in Santa Monica passed out on a bench wearing a pair of these shoes? Where did they get this silly pair of footwear? Why was the lady covering her calves and ass with long pants? Is the homeless population of California really that concerned with the way their ass looks, or do they just want more ass padding for those uncomfortable bus stop benches and cardboard houses they sleep on? Most creative answers will win today's prize.... Guest appearance on next weeks morning show. (your own post)